Monday, January 14, 2008

New year!

I thought for sure that I *just* turned the calendar over to 2008. How did we get to be in the middle of the month already? Sheesh.

Again, slacking in the blogging department. How did that happen? Oh yes, work, kids, husband, know, the usual. I hope to get back on the wagon again though. I really like doing it, it just gets forgotten about, unfortunately.

So things are going well here. J is enjoying Scouts, B is doing gymnastics, as is M. Mike is now taking guitar lessons on Friday nights and so far he is enjoying that. I don't have anything regular like they do. I'm planning on Thursdays to be my *me* nights, like to go out with friends and whatnot, but so far, last Thursday the whole family had dentist appointments (ouch on the credit card!), this Thursday I have to go and renew my driver's license, and the last Thursday of the month I have a parent council meeting. Go me! @@ Maybe February will be better. Maybe.

Our house right now is totally on a Hannah Montana kick. First I couldn't get any of the High School Musical music out of my head, now it's Hannah Montana songs. Of course, the High School Musical 2 songs I always have in my head is because we have the CD in the van, and I secretly listen to it when I'm driving by myself! lol I have two favourites that I could play over and over. But, I won't embarrass myself anymore than I have to. Let's just say, a good chunk of the time, HSM music is in my head, and leave it at that.

But the Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus tour movie with the Jonas brothers is all B can talk about. She is totally, obliviously obsessed. But I like it. And I'm okay with that. I love having a girlie girl. :o) We may have to go and see that on the big screen together. Just because.

I have another wake to attend tonight, unfortunately. Second one this year already. :o( And I have to go with my daddy to this one, because my mom is in Southern Ontario for the week. My dad does NOT like wakes, funerals or anything having to do with death. It should be interesting to see how he does.

Off to go and find something for supper now. Oh joy!

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