Tuesday, October 09, 2007


Thanksgiving has always been a very non-traditional holiday for us. One year, we went up to a friend's cottage as a family, and had spaghetti. One year, we all made sandwiches. Last year my parents and us went to Moxie's for a mid-day lunch, and then back to their place for pumpkin pie.

Well, this year, we had Chinese food at mom and dad's. :o) And of course, mom's homemade pumpkin pie. And it was wonderful to be together for the afternoon just chillin'.

Now after the kids have been off for four days, they are back at school. Hurray! It is nice and quiet at home. *sigh*

Things have been busy here. Not only did we have the non-traditional Thanksgiving yesterday, but Sunday Mike and I went to a wedding reception, Saturday I went out with my mom and some friends of ours for an afternoon tea, and Friday afternoon I braved the grocery store with the girls for two hours. I need a weekend to recover from my weekend.

On the J front, I got two more phone calls last week from two more teachers at his school. He really seems to be struggling with his social abilities at school. I hope we can get him some help soon before this term is a total washout. It breaks my heart that I can't do more for him at this point, but we are trying what we can.

B is doing well at school. Bringing home perfect test scores and accalades from the teacher. I'm happy she is adjusting to life in grade 3 well.

M started with the new jk/sk split class last Monday. She goes to school in the mornings now. Which works out really well from my standpoint, since mornings are usually busier at work for me. So the less noise in behind me, the better. But she seems to be taking it all in strides with a new teacher, new class, new cubby.......... She likes change too. Just like her dad. ;o)

Speaking of him, he's off to Montreal tomorrow night for a day of training with the new phone systems for his work. So it's just me and the puppies in bed on Wednesday night! They love that. They have so much room to stretch out next to me. hehehe

Mike went up to the trailer on Sunday with my dad, J and M to close it down. Things seem to have gone well. So, we won't see the fruits of our payments until next spring. lol But, at least it is safe and covered from the elements for the winter. Nothing like having a 40 foot tarp over your trailer. And come spring too, the whole thing will smell like candycanes. Mike put little cups of peppermint all over the place, since he read somewhere that critters don't like the smell of it. We'll see how that goes.

Work for me is going well. I'm enjoying it so far. I haven't taken the ability to actually leave the computer yet. Too afraid that I'll miss a call. But, maybe soon. :o)

Tonight the girls have gymnastics. So I'll be sitting in there for two hours. Hopefully my mom will come and sit with me for awhile. It's much more fun to spend the time chatting!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Has it really been that long since I have posted anything here?? Gosh! I must get back to using it I suppose. *sigh*

Well, let's see.........first off, I'm no longer doing daycare. My last day was August 31st. It went by fairly smoothly and uneventful. Which was fine. I was happy to see my frustrations with other people's children fade away. lol

As of next Monday, I will be a home phone operator for Bloomex. I have gone in to the office a couple of times and pretty much have my wits about me for what needs to be done. I'm looking forward to starting that.

My kids are now in grade 7, grade 3 and senior kindergarten. I have already gotten two phone calls from J's French teacher about him not paying attention in class and bothering the other kids. I'm not sure what to attempt at this point with him. I guess I should be talking to his guidance councillor in the next little bit.

B is doing well in grade 3. Although, she has been waiting for a long time to get the teacher that she has because everyone loves her so much, and she's pregnant. So she'll be leaving in January or February. Ugh. Just B's luck. Oh well. She pretty much swings with the punches, so I'm sure she'll be okay.

M is in the afternoon this year. I now totally remember why I hate afternoon kindergarten...........starting at 8:50 she's asking *Is it lunchtime yet?* and keeps asking about 400 times until it actually is lunchtime! lol Oh well. This is my last year with any kids at home for any great amount of time. All three will be full days next September. :o) Now ask me how excited I am for that?? lol

M is still loving his job. I think this is the place that he will be at for the long haul. Maybe not 20 years, but at least a lot of years. I'm pretty happy that he is enjoying himself.

Oh, and we bought a trailer. A forty foot trailer. lol We bought it from my uncle who hadn't used it at all after he bought it last year. So we'll see if we enjoy it for the season, and then decide what to do with it come the end of next year. Something different for the family to experience. Maybe new memories and some fun times for us and our friends. So, we'll see. But M is pretty hyped about it! He gets to putter. lmao!

J is back in Scouts, and B and M are back in gymnastics this session. It isn't cheap having your kids in activities, but when they love it, it makes it all worth it!! Oh, and basketball starts soon too, and they are looking forward to that as well.

That's about it from our end. I don't know if I even have anyone around, but I promise to write in more often. :o)

Peace and be well!!

Sunday, March 25, 2007

My creativity juices are flowing, but I have no place to create.

Guess I'll just do laundry instead. :o(

I just can't stop checking facebook.com! Damn addictive personality of mine..........

Monday, March 19, 2007


Did you ever have one of those days when you yearn for your youth again? Those carefree days when you could just go and do anything at all with whoever was your friend, or boyfriend at the time?

I think I had one of those nights. I couldn't stop thinking about all of the people who passed through my high school years. And then wondering what happened to all of them. I SO wish email was around so readily when I graduated high school in 1992.

Today is Shawn Belanger's birthday. The first boy who I had an all out crush on when I was in the seventh grade. He was in the eighth grade, but he was friends with some of our friends. I was 12, and he was 13 when I kissed him for the first time on the hill behind my parent's house. He felt guilty for weeks because one of his friends was totally in love with me. So he didn't talk to me after that for very long. He ended up getting a bloody nose and black eye from his friend after he told him what happened on the hill. Hard to believe that I had that kind of impact on another 13 year old.

Don't get me wrong, I love my life. My husband. My kids.

Some days I just wish we could have a do-over, to experience some things that we wished we had, or erase some that we wish we hadn't. But then be able to come back to our lives now. Of course, that would never work, because how we got to this present moment all falls on the events that happened in our past in the exact way that they happened.

Happy 35th birthday Shawn! Wherever you may be.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

March fun

So tomorrow is the first day of March Break. Mom of N and Z picked them up on Friday afternoon and laughed at me because she was going to spend the week in her pajamas, but I'm going to have the boys here all week long. What is wrong with that woman?? If I worked so much and never saw my kids, and I had a whole week off, I would love to do things with my kids. Guess I'm just weird that way. @@ Monday we are going to take the bus to the mall to see Little Ray's Reptiles. :o) Always a good time. And we are going to stay there for lunch too. So I only have to think of four lunches to feed all six of them. hehe That works for me! Started reading *Blood or Chocolate* last night. I like it! I didn't know that it was a young adult book when I bought it. But I'll save it for Brianna when she's older and she can enjoy it too. Now I want to see the movie. I'm sure it will be out on DVD soon. I hope the weather cooperates for this week. I'd like to get out a couple of days and either go tobaganning or walking. If you don't hear from me for awhile, it's because I'm too busy, or too tired, to be on the computer. ;oP

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

*slaps hand* Bad blogger, bad!!

Hmm, well, I haven't updated in a while it seems. I guess I will have to do a little update.

I'm very relieved that D and I are gone. Life is so much more relaxed here. Although, this past Monday it was a PD day and I had six kids here, but, between one only showing up at 10:00, and a nice day to go tobogganing, one of my own kids leaving in the afternoon to go to his friend's house and a quiet movie in the afternoon, it was a nice day afterall. Couple that with Z and N leaving at 3:30 and J leaving at 4:00, I really enjoyed the day! :o)

Tuesday I had one of my friend's little girl here. She just turned four. So a big 3 year old who is always in your face wasn't pleasant for her to be around. lol But once we got Mikayla, she was quite happy to play with her and watch movies, play puzzles and play outside. It was a nice day too.

Today my mommy came back from Arizona!! Well, she got home at about 3 in the morning, so yeah, technically it was today. lol It was so nice to talk to her. I haven't gone over two weeks without talking to her in over 20 years I think. Maybe even then it was only 10 days. :-/ Even when I was in Australia for six weeks when I was 16 we talked once a week! Can't wait to see her!

Tonight N is here for supper. Weird having a daycare kid here after hours, but, he's more like Brianna's friend anyways and I haven't even seen them since we got home. They are up playing house. Or whatever.

This weekend I have my two crops!! I'm so super excited. One is in Embrun, and one is in Blackburn. Mike is not at all excited about doing driving duty, but I don't know Embrun and I am not comfortable driving so far by myself yet. And he has to take me on Sunday because Mikayla has a birthday party to go to in the middle of the day.

I am very much enjoying the sunshine! We also turn the clocks forward this weekend too, so it will be so much nicer later. Although now it will be darker in the mornings for awhile. I can handle that though.

Well, I'm off to make meatloaf for supper. N wanted tacos, but we didn't have anything other than the hamburger meat. So, meatloaf it is!

Monday, February 19, 2007

*insert sigh of relief here*

Well, two weeks is now only five days. Friday is D'Day for the release of two boys who just wear me out to no end. Oddly enough, only one is here today, and he is getting along with J just swimmingly.

Do you know what this means?? This means that the PD day on Monday I will only have six kids. And the VAN!! I'm going somewhere!! I don't know where, but somewhere. I am not dreading this day anymore. :o)

Yesterday I was able to get a few hours of time with Brianna. We dropped Jonathan off at a birthday party at the movie theatre, then we drove off to Michaels and Scrapbooking Cafe and Chapters. I had money left on my gift card that I got for Christmas and bought books for everyone in the family. Aren't I nice?? lol We also stopped in at Starbucks and had hot chocolate and treats. Just the two of us. It was very nice. It's hard to come by only time with your kids when you have three of them. I mean, Mikayla and I have every afternoon together, but usually she's sleeping. But that's okay. However, finding alone time with Jonathan and Brianna is harder since they are in school all day. So it was a very nice afternoon.

I'm semi-considering applying for part time work at Starbucks. They are hiring baristas. Since it is open until 10 at night, it's an extra hour of where I could work. And since I don't drink coffee, I wouldn't be drinking my profits! lol Will update when I have thought about this more.

This week Lent starts. That means my treats drought starts again on Wednesday. I'm also cutting out the salty snacks as well. For forty days. This bag of Oreos that we have in the cupboard will just have to be gone by Tuesday night. It will not do to have them in the house. lol I have already shared them with the kids though, so it won't be hard.

Tuesday is also Pancake Tuesday (Shrove Tuesday). I like it because I always know what to make for supper. lol That whole *what to make for supper* thing is just gone from my thoughts. And I like it. Not only because I love pancakes, but I like having a set day when it's really *okay* to make them for supper. hehehehe

Tonight is parent's night in the pool for the girls' swimming lessons. Mike is going in with Mikayla and I'm going in with Brianna. Should be fun. Although, it will probably take longer for us to get ready to leave though. lol I usually only have to put my coat and boots on. Oh well. We'll be fine. Hope it warms up a bit though. ;o)

I should be off to do laundry. Monday minus one boy and no Mikayla this afternoon (she's staying at my dad's) means I can get lots accomplished! Yay me!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Two weeks

So, the twins are leaving in two weeks. Dad gave me notice yesterday morning. They are moving to the west end. Yeehaw.

Two more weeks of being stressed. Two more weeks of listening to constant arguing, crying and fighting. Two more weeks of having to repeat myself four thousand times. Two more weeks of having an upset daughter due to them. Two more weeks. That's all. I can do this. I think.

Friday, February 09, 2007

I want my mommy!!

Today was supposed to be I and D's full day here. A day I was dreading. A full day with them. Eek!!

Someone is looking out for me though because dad came and said that he was going to pick them up around 12:30 since he was home all day anyway. I am going to get some rest after all!!

I'm not feeling well at all. Cough, runny nose, headache, the works. Not feeling much like being with my own kids, let alone someone else's. I need some time to get better! I have things to do.

Tonight I have to bring Brianna to a cooking class at Loblaws, and while I am there, might as well do groceries. Tomorrow I have to bring Sadie to the vet to get some more meds for her. Sunday is gymnastics for the girls, and then I am having ladies over here in the afternoon for my luncheon! I NEED this time this afternoon to get better. And now, I have it. :o) Some things are just so small, but so appreciated.

In a more exciting development, R is coming back to our daycare for awhile starting next week. It's only after school, but the girls are so excited. She has been so missed. And quite frankly, I have missed her too. It is because of a bad thing though that she is coming back. Her current daycare provider's daughter broke her neck while tubing. I can't even begin to imagine what that poor lady is going through waiting at the hospital with her daughter every day to see is she will be able to walk again. I pray that she makes a quick recovery.

I'm trying to call my mom, but the line keeps being busy. I haven't talked to her in a few days. I love her so much. I can't even begin to imagine life without her or my daddy. I've been having nightmares lately about them dying. I wake up in cold sweats and tears. It's very unnerving. I guess it's because we are coming up to the anniversary of my aunt's death. She was so young. It still feels unreal most days.

So, I guess I'll go off and get my Friday going.

Happy Friday to all!!

Monday, February 05, 2007

Cold Monday

Man, is it cold outside! I had to walk the kids to school. It's -37 with the windchill. Brrrrrrrrr.......

Can't wait until summer!

Yesterday I went to the Blackburn crop. It wasn't very productive. Only two layouts done, and one isn't even fully finished! Oh well. I organized stuff around too, so I guess it was okay. I had my Jonathan pictures still in my bag, so I did layouts of him when he was little. Makes me nostalgic. He was such a little sweetie pie! Now he's almost 12. With an attitude to go with it. And starting junior high in September. *sigh* Time goes by so fast.

Mikayla had a little bit of pink eye this weekend. She didn't seem to be bothered by it though, so that is good. We keep putting in Polysporin drops. It's gotten much better since Saturday. So that's a good thing.

Today is Monday. Boy does it feel like it. I took some of my codeine cough medicine last night and crashed. I didn't hear Mike come to bed. Didn't hear him get up twice with Sadie. Almost didn't hear the radio come on this morning! But I got a good night's sleep. So it's all good. I just wish we had one extra day of weekend. ;o)

Friday, February 02, 2007

Harry Potter? I don't think so!

I just saw the pictures from the Equus photoshoot with Daniel Radcliffe!


Okay, I'm hooked now. He's my new Leo. Yes, I loved Leonardo Dicaprio when he was on Growing Pains. I mean, just LOOK at him now!

Daniel is growing up to be one super-handsome guy.

Hope it doesn't go to his head and turn him into some snot.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Happy Hump Day!!

Today has actually gone quite well.

D and I came at 9:00 and J came at 9:30. We started getting our stuff on at 10:10 to go up to the school. They got to go sliding with Mikayla's class.

They requested pogos for lunch and then D and I are off to school!

Yay for good days!

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Who needs new shows?

I love having all of these old shows that I used to love back on tv.

Caroline in the City, Roseanne, The Wonder Years, Party of Five, 90210, Friends. It's great!

The thing about Roseanne is, when it first started in 1988, I was 15. I watched it for the kids storylines. I saw most of it on and off until it went off the air in 1997. I only had a 2 year old when it went off, so I still didn't totally get the *family* aspect.

Watching it now, married, with three kids, I TOTALLY understand, and identify with it sooooooo much more. We have been caught saying things like *That is going to be Brianna when she gets older*, or *Mikayla does that!*, or *I can see Jonathan doing that eventually*. It is so haunting.

Wonder how long it is going to take to watch nine seasons of it with only five episodes a week! lol They are up to January 1989.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Thank God this week is over

Well, I never claimed to be totally happy with my job.

Thank the lord this is the last day of the week with these whiny boys here. Ugh. I hate to think of months and months of this. Maybe I'm just getting old and crotchety. You know, I will be 34 in June. Like I said, old and crotchety.

August 31, 2008 can't come fast enough for me.

This morning I only had my own three kids getting ready for school. It was so relaxed, fun, quiet (nominally), and quite enjoyable. I want to be able to do that now. I wish we could afford to. But, I'm not qualified to do anything else at this point. :o( I'm a professional mom. lol That's what I do. But, I'm just not happy anymore being here with other people's kids who wreck my house and disrespect me and just plain annoy me. Ugh. Of course, it doesn't help that it's freakin' cold out and we can't just go out with shoes on and go to the park. That I think would make things easier. Yup. It would.

Lice is making it's way around the school again. Joy. Can't wait to see which kid brings it home this time. @@ Hope it's Jonathan. He can get his head shaved.

We had a good four months of the lice crap in the fall going back and forth between the girls and Jonathan. It's a miracle that Mike and I didn't end up with it too. Guess it's time to crank more tea tree oil into the shampoo bottles again.

I'm going to a scrapbooking store tomorrow. Mike is bringing me so we can check it out. It is an old store in a new location. Maybe it will inspire me to make a couple of layouts here. In my own home. Which I haven't done in ages and ages!! In my head, I have lots of energy and creativity and time. In real life, it just doesn't happen. *sigh*

I had a parent council meeting last night. We are trying to have lots of fundraisers this year so we can get a new playstructure. The one they have now is the old wood kind, and it is 25 years old. Actually, 27 this year. It's really in sad shape. The problem is, our population of the school is on the low income level. Our school is one of the ten poorest schools in the city! And it's a great school. Just wish it could get a break once in a while funding-wise. Apparently the principal put in a couple of requests for grants. Hope they come through. I would love to see a new playstructure at the school before Mikayla leaves. Which is in 7 years. lol

Enough babbling for today. I only have 20 minutes before I have to get 3 very slow boys ready to walk up to the school to get Mikayla.

Come on Saturday!!

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Yay for scrapbooking!

So, today I not only signed up for and paid for the March 3rd crop in Embrun, but my scrapbooking kit came!! Woohoo!!

Can't wait to open it up!

I told Mike I would wait until after my month of no sweets was over, so it could be my special gift for going through the whole month! hehehe

Friday, January 19, 2007

Yay for Fridays!

Okay, so my new year's resolution to come and write here once a week is almost up! So I thought I would come in and just chatter about the week. lol

Tonight my almost 8 year old daughter is going to sleep over at N's house. It's his birthday today. So, technically, it's a party. But it's only her and N and his brother. This will be the second boys house that she has slept at . First her *boyfriend* Mikey's house, and now N. Who has been at daycare here for almost four years. Off and on. Craziness. I'm oddly comfortable with her going though.

This may seem like an odd thing to say, but my gut instinct is that even though she is the one who is going to be giving us major heart attacks when she is a teenager, she is also a strong-willed, independent, responsible, knowledgable little girl. She also talks to us. Which I think is a very important thing for kids to do nowadays. I would like to think that I helped in this, but, I was so shy as a kid and didn't have much self confidence. Brianna is oozing with self confidence! lol She is counting down the days of singing competitions, school plays, choir, class presidencies, etc....

What a kid!

Anyhow, where was I going with this? Oh yes. Mike is also going out tonight, so that leaves Mikayla, Jonathan and me. We are going to go to McDonald's and then go sledding in the dark at the hill across the street!! I love nighttime sledding! hehe

Yesterday I was able to get out to Michaels. The first time in a LONGGGG time. It was very theraputic. I got a gift certificate from mom for Christmas, but I still managed to get double the amount of stuff that she got me! lol

I haven't been scrapping in a long time. :o( I miss it. I really do. I totally wish that I had a room to hide away in. *sigh* OH well. One of these days. Mike built me a desk downstairs, but it is out in the open where all of the daycare kids play. Yeah, like I'm going to leave my stuff out with those hooligans down there. @@ Oh well.

Did I mention that I am quitting daycare on August 31st 2008? lol I know it seems like a long time away, but, I like to have plans. The year that Mikayla is in school full time finally, I'm taking for myself. I'm going to read all of the books that I have been putting off, scrap during the days that I have to myself, volunteer, put my house back into some sort of order, have days with my mom, get my working friends to play hooky and hang out with them. hehehe Time for me. Just me. I've been *just a mom* for a long time now. I figure when Mikayla is in grade one, Brianna and grade 4 and Jonathan in grade 8, that's a good time to do it.

And then I am going back to school. :o) But, that's for another post.

Hope everyone has a great weekend! Tomorrow I have vowed not to get out of my pajamas. hehe I'll organize, do laundry, read, play with the kids, but I'm not getting out of my pajamas! If I were eating sweets, I would be putting back some Whoppers and spice cookies, but, alas, I am down another week without it all. :o) Too bad I've actually gained weight. @@ Stupid body.

Life as a woman sucks sometimes. Mike never worries about this stuff!! lol

Friday, January 12, 2007

Welcome 2007!

Okay, so here it is 2007. I resolve to try and remember to post in my blogger blog at least once a week. lol So far it's the second week of January, and this is my first post this month. *sigh*

So our kitchen finally got finished. Mike only needs to paint the walls. He was supposed to have all the time in the world when he quit his job in December, but alas, he has found another job already and is back working during the days. lol

My daycare grew by two in one day. I now have four year old twin boys in the house in the mornings. Thank goodness they go to school in the afternoon because they are VERRRRRRRYYYYYYYYY active. Not very good listeners either. So we'll see how my patience level holds up!

I haven't eaten anything vaguely resembling a sweet in 10 days. No cookies, cake, ice cream, doughnuts, chocolate, pie, brownies, NOTHING for ten days. This is practice for Lent. Just for January. So far, I've been having some cravings, but nothing that I couldn't suppress with some Crystal Light. @@ I have my mom's spice cookies waiting for me in the freezer. The odd thing is though is that I haven't lost any weight. I thought for sure that my sweet tooth is what was keeping my weight up. Guess I was wrong. Oh well. That isn't what this little experiment was for.

I need a date night. Mike and I haven't gone out together just us since summer sometime. I feel the need to reconnect with him. Not that we haven't been close, but some time away from home with just us sounds heavenly at this point.

Now on to the part of the day that I hate.............to find something to eat for supper. Ugh. I hate cooking. Simply hate it.