Wednesday, February 28, 2007

*slaps hand* Bad blogger, bad!!

Hmm, well, I haven't updated in a while it seems. I guess I will have to do a little update.

I'm very relieved that D and I are gone. Life is so much more relaxed here. Although, this past Monday it was a PD day and I had six kids here, but, between one only showing up at 10:00, and a nice day to go tobogganing, one of my own kids leaving in the afternoon to go to his friend's house and a quiet movie in the afternoon, it was a nice day afterall. Couple that with Z and N leaving at 3:30 and J leaving at 4:00, I really enjoyed the day! :o)

Tuesday I had one of my friend's little girl here. She just turned four. So a big 3 year old who is always in your face wasn't pleasant for her to be around. lol But once we got Mikayla, she was quite happy to play with her and watch movies, play puzzles and play outside. It was a nice day too.

Today my mommy came back from Arizona!! Well, she got home at about 3 in the morning, so yeah, technically it was today. lol It was so nice to talk to her. I haven't gone over two weeks without talking to her in over 20 years I think. Maybe even then it was only 10 days. :-/ Even when I was in Australia for six weeks when I was 16 we talked once a week! Can't wait to see her!

Tonight N is here for supper. Weird having a daycare kid here after hours, but, he's more like Brianna's friend anyways and I haven't even seen them since we got home. They are up playing house. Or whatever.

This weekend I have my two crops!! I'm so super excited. One is in Embrun, and one is in Blackburn. Mike is not at all excited about doing driving duty, but I don't know Embrun and I am not comfortable driving so far by myself yet. And he has to take me on Sunday because Mikayla has a birthday party to go to in the middle of the day.

I am very much enjoying the sunshine! We also turn the clocks forward this weekend too, so it will be so much nicer later. Although now it will be darker in the mornings for awhile. I can handle that though.

Well, I'm off to make meatloaf for supper. N wanted tacos, but we didn't have anything other than the hamburger meat. So, meatloaf it is!


michelle sturgeon said...

I'll be seeing you in Blackburn!

Anonymous said...

Great work.