Friday, January 26, 2007

Thank God this week is over

Well, I never claimed to be totally happy with my job.

Thank the lord this is the last day of the week with these whiny boys here. Ugh. I hate to think of months and months of this. Maybe I'm just getting old and crotchety. You know, I will be 34 in June. Like I said, old and crotchety.

August 31, 2008 can't come fast enough for me.

This morning I only had my own three kids getting ready for school. It was so relaxed, fun, quiet (nominally), and quite enjoyable. I want to be able to do that now. I wish we could afford to. But, I'm not qualified to do anything else at this point. :o( I'm a professional mom. lol That's what I do. But, I'm just not happy anymore being here with other people's kids who wreck my house and disrespect me and just plain annoy me. Ugh. Of course, it doesn't help that it's freakin' cold out and we can't just go out with shoes on and go to the park. That I think would make things easier. Yup. It would.

Lice is making it's way around the school again. Joy. Can't wait to see which kid brings it home this time. @@ Hope it's Jonathan. He can get his head shaved.

We had a good four months of the lice crap in the fall going back and forth between the girls and Jonathan. It's a miracle that Mike and I didn't end up with it too. Guess it's time to crank more tea tree oil into the shampoo bottles again.

I'm going to a scrapbooking store tomorrow. Mike is bringing me so we can check it out. It is an old store in a new location. Maybe it will inspire me to make a couple of layouts here. In my own home. Which I haven't done in ages and ages!! In my head, I have lots of energy and creativity and time. In real life, it just doesn't happen. *sigh*

I had a parent council meeting last night. We are trying to have lots of fundraisers this year so we can get a new playstructure. The one they have now is the old wood kind, and it is 25 years old. Actually, 27 this year. It's really in sad shape. The problem is, our population of the school is on the low income level. Our school is one of the ten poorest schools in the city! And it's a great school. Just wish it could get a break once in a while funding-wise. Apparently the principal put in a couple of requests for grants. Hope they come through. I would love to see a new playstructure at the school before Mikayla leaves. Which is in 7 years. lol

Enough babbling for today. I only have 20 minutes before I have to get 3 very slow boys ready to walk up to the school to get Mikayla.

Come on Saturday!!

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